

CSAM refers to Child Sexual Abuse Material (sometimes known as ‘child pornography’). CSAM includes images, videos, live-streaming, and any other material that depicts sexual violence against a child. CSAM can include material that shows a child in a sexually suggestive or explicit manner partially clothed, or nude, and can include material that does or does not illustrate sexual activity. See COPINE scale for more detailed definition.

Sexual interest in children

If you experience dominant and permanent sexual attraction towards children, think about children in sexual ways or if you have sexual fantasies about children and the urge to engage in sexual activity with a child or children much younger than oneself. In medical terms sexual interest in children is defined pedophilia or hebephilia. Pedophilia is when sexual interest is primarily to children in their pre-puberty and hebephilia when to children in their puberty.


Having recurring and obsessive dependency on an unconventional or socially unacceptable stimulus as a source of sexual pleasure (for example children, objects, situations, animals, secretion).

Behavioral addiction/non-substance addictions

A form of addiction that involves a compulsion to engage in a rewarding non-substance-related behavior despite any negative consequences to the person’s physical, mental, social, or financial well-being. Behavioral addictions are characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli (such as CSAM) despite adverse consequences.

Path to CSAM use

A number of factors and situations form a path to using CSAM. The aim of this program is to ReDirect you away from this path and onto a new path to a more meaningful life without CSAM.

Triggering factors

A trigger factor is a particular situation or psychological stimulus that prompts a chain of events. There can be external (e.g. tragic event, use of online adult pornography) or internal (e.g. thoughts, emotions) triggering factors that lead to the use of CSAM.

CBT theory and therapy

Cognitive behavioral theory (CBT) concentrates on the connections between our thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a holistic process in which no single domain determines activity in other domains.

In CBT therapy people learn how certain thoughts lead to certain feelings which in turn lead to certain behavioral responses and vice versa. CBT therapy has proven to be an effective treatment for people how have problems with the use of CSAM, as the goal is to achieve cognitive, behavioral, and emotional change.

Therapy strengthens the responsible behavior and helps to achieve a healthier life with safer and better emotional, behavioral, and cognitive functioning.